75% of people feel stuck!
in their personal lives
in their professional lives
Answering and living out life's most important questions is hard.
Who do I marry?
What job do I take?
How do I make friends?
Where do I go to church?
How do I spend my money?
How do I pursue my passions?
Where do I serve?
How do I spend my free time?
Who's Helping you Navigate?
Are you
for a

About Me
Mentor | Consultant | Personal Developer
Helping people solve and answer life's most pressing questions has been something I've been doing these past 17 years. It all started in the dining halls at the University of Georgia. There we discussed life, faith, and solutions to their current problems. Not much has changed since then besides the method of approach. Now, instead of dining halls, it's in the mountains or in front of white boards.
I’m a guide who helps driven but struggling & discontent 20 to 30 somethings navigate the complexities of modern life. I will give you the wisdom, resources, and content that allows you to thrive and live a christ-centered life of meaning, contentment and satisfaction. Not a perfect life, but a content, peaceful, and fruitful life.
We’re in this together! My life has had so many twists and turns and I’ve felt the emotions you’ve felt in the uncertainty. That’s why I'm passionate about helping you!
Nothing is going to change unless you seek out help.
Let’s do this!
One of the best ways to move towards clarity is to go on an adventure. It removes you from your current context and provides a better opportunity for inspiration & clear thinking.
Life Audits
Second step is to spend some intentional time breaking down your life into manageable categories. Then we will analyze each category to understand where you are and where change is needed.
Life Architecture
Based on the Life Audit we develop attainable goals to propel you forward.
4 Days & 5 nights
Adventure & Coaching
Cost: $3,750
Day Three

Life Audit
& Activity
We will be spend some intentional time analyzing and planning for the future. At the end of the day, to clear the mind and have some fun we'll do a low key activity like kayaking on string lake

Day Four